Kiel officers investigating hit-and-run after speeding vehicle leaves scene of crash

KIEL, Wis. (WFRV) – Officers in Kiel are investigating a hit-and-run on Raider Heights Road after a speeding vehicle crashed into a mailbox and left the scene.

According to the Kiel Police Department, the incident happened sometime between 4 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. on February 13.

Officers believe that a vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed eastbound on Raider Heights Road lost control, went up a curb, and crashed into a mailbox and a plant.

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Kiel Police Department

Kiel Police Department

The suspect vehicle reportedly returned to the road and continued east.

It was noted that officers do not have any suspect vehicle information or description. Kiel PD is asking the public in the area to review any security cams.

Anyone with relevant information is asked to contact Kiel PD at (920) 894-2211. No additional information was provided.